Minggu, 18 September 2011

That's what Emotional Intelligence?

Understanding emotions 
The word emotion comes from the Latin, namely emovere, which means moving away.The meaning of this word implies that the propensity to act is an absolute must in emotion. According to Daniel Goleman (2002: 411) refers to a feeling emotions and thoughts are typical, a biological and psychological circumstances and a series of tendencies to act. Emotion is basically the impetus to act. Usually the emotion is a reaction to stimuli from outside and within the individual. As an example of happy emotions drive change a person's mood, so that physiologically seen laughing, sad emotions motivate people to behave cry. 

Emotion-related physiological changes and various thoughts. So, emotion is one important aspect of human life, because emotions can be a motivator of behavior in terms of increase, but also can interfere with human intentional behavior (Prawitasari, 1995) 

Some leaders argued about the various emotions, such as Descartes. According to Descartes, emotions are divided into: Desire (desire), hate (hate), Sorrow (sadness / grief), Wonder (wonder), Love (Love) and Joy (joy). While JB Watson presents three kinds of emotions, namely: fear (fear), Rage (anger), Love (love). Daniel Goleman (2002: 411) suggests some kind of emotion that do not vary much with the two figures above, namely: 

a. Anger: fury, rage, hate, annoyed, upset the liver 
b. Sadness: bitter, sad, somber, gloomy, melancholy, self love, despair 
c. Fear: anxiety, nervousness, worry, anxiety, feeling scared, wary, edgy, horror 
d. Enjoyment: happiness, happy, cheerful, happy, cheerful, happy, amused, proud 
e. Love: acceptance, friendship, trust, kindness, sense of close, devotion, respect, affection, love 
f. Surprised: gasped, surprised 
g. Annoyed: contemptible, contempt, disgust, nausea, dislike 
h. embarrassed: embarrassed, upset 

As described above, that all the emotions according to Goleman is basically the impetus to act. So a wide range of emotions that encourage individuals to respond or act against the existing stimulus. In the discussion of Aristotle's Ethics Nicomachea philosophically about the virtues, character and right living, the challenge is to master our emotional life with intelligence. Lust, if trained properly will have wisdom; lust guiding thoughts, values, and our survival. However, lust can easily spiral out of control, and it often happens. According to Aristotle, the problem is not about emotionality, but about the harmony between the emotions and express ways (Goleman, 2002: xvi). 

According to Mayer (Goleman, 2002: 65) people tend to adopt distinctive styles in the handle and cope with their emotions, namely: self-conscious, drowning in problems, and resigned. By looking at the situation it is important that every individual has the emotional intelligence to make life more meaningful and does not make life in the living be in vain. 
Based on the above description, it can be concluded that emotion is a feeling (affective) which encourages individuals to respond or act on the stimulus, whether originating from within or from outside himself. 

Definition of emotional intelligence 
The term "emotional intelligence" was first posed in 1990 by psychologist Peter Salovey of Harvard University and John Mayer of the University of New Hampshire to explain the emotional qualities that seem essential to success. 
Salovey and Mayer defined emotional intelligence or EQ is often referred to as: 
"Subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor the social feelings which involve the ability of other people, sort out everything and use this information to guide thought and action." (Shapiro, 1998:8). 

Emotional intelligence is strongly influenced by the environment, are not settled, it can change at any time. For the role of the environment, especially the elderly in childhood greatly influence the formation of emotional intelligence. 
EQ skills is not the opponent's IQ skills or cognitive skills, but they interact dynamically, either at the conceptual level and in the real world. In addition, the EQ is not so influenced by heredity. (Shapiro, 1998-10). 

Another pioneer yentang A model of emotional intelligence proposed by Bar-On in 1992, an Israeli psychologist, who defines emotional intelligence as a set of personal abilities, emotional and social affects one's ability to succeed in addressing these demands and environmental stress (Goleman, 2000: 180 ). 

Gardner in his book, Frames Of Mind (Goleman, 2000: 50-53) says that not just one monolithic kind of intelligence that are important for success in life, but there is a wide spectrum of intelligence with the seven main varieties of linguistic, mathematical / logical, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal and intrapersonal. Intelligence was named by Gardner as a personal intelligence by Daniel Goleman referred to as emotional intelligence. 

According to Gardner, a private intelligence consists of: "Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand others, what motivates them, how they work, how to work hand in hand with intelligence. While the intra-personal intelligence is a correlative ability, but directed inward. Ability is the ability to establish a model of self-care and refer to themselves as well as the ability to use the capital was as a tool to frame their lives effectively. "(Goleman, 2002: 52). 

In another formulation, Gardner suggests that the core of interpersonal intelligence includes "the ability to discern and respond appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations and desires of others." The inter-personal intelligence is the key to self-knowledge, he listed "access to the feelings -feelings of oneself and the ability to distinguish between those feelings and use them to guide behavior ". (Goleman, 2002: 53). 

Based on intelligence that is expressed by Gardner, Salovey (Goleman, 200:57) chose interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence to serve as the basis for the uncovering of emotional intelligence on individual self. According to a person's emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize emotions, managing emotions, motivating oneself, recognizing emotions in others (empathy) and the ability to build relationships (cooperation) with other people. 

According to Goleman (2002: 512), emotional intelligence is the ability to regulate one's emotions in the lives of intelligence (to manage our emotional life with intelligence); keep the harmony of emotion and expression (the appropriateness of emotion and its expression) through the skill of self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy and social skills. 

In the present study is the students' emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize emotions, managing emotions, motivating oneself, recognizing emotions in others (empathy) and the ability to build relationships (cooperation) with other people. 

Emotional Intelligence Factors 
Goleman cites Salovey (2002:58-59) puts puts personal intelligences Gardner in the basic definition of emotional intelligence Traffic inception and is expanding into five main abilities, namely: 

a. Recognizing Emotions Self 
Recognizing emotions oneself is an ability to recognize feelings as feelings that occur.This capability is the basis of emotional intelligence, psychology experts say self-awareness as metamood, which will temper one's own consciousness. According to Mayer (Goleman, 2002: 64) self-consciousness is alert to the moods and thoughts of mood, if vigilant then the individual becomes less soluble in the flow of emotions and ruled by emotion. Self-awareness does not guarantee mastery of emotion, but it is one important prerequisite for controlling the emotions so easily master the emotions of individuals. 

b. Managing Emotions 
Managing emotions in an individual's ability to handle feelings in order to unfold properly, or harmony, in order to reach a balance within the individual. Keeping the troubling emotions under control is the key to emotional well-being. Emotional overload, which increases with the intensity stability was too long to rip us (Goleman, 2002: 77-78). This capability includes the ability to entertain yourself, let go of anxiety, moodiness or offense and the resulting consequences and the ability to rise from that suppress feelings. 

c. Motivating Yourself 
Presatasi must be passed by its motivation within the individual, which means having the perseverance to resist the gratification and controlling impulses, and have a positive feeling of motivation, namely antusianisme, passion, optimism and confidence. 

d. Recognizing Emotions of Others 
The ability to recognize emotions in others is called empathy. According to Goleman (2002: 57) a person's ability to recognize others or care, demonstrate the ability of one's empathy. Individuals who have the capability of empathy are better able to capture the social signals that suggest hidden what is needed by others, so she is more able to accept the viewpoint of others, sensitive to others' feelings and better able to listen to others. 

Rosenthal's research shows that people are able to read feelings and non-verbal cues are better able to adjust to emotionally, more popular, easier beraul, and more sensitive (Goleman, 2002: 136). Nowicki, a psychologist explains that children who are unable to read or express emotions well will continue to feel frustrated (Goleman, 2002: 172).Someone who is able to read emotions in others also have high self-awareness.Increasingly able to open on his own emotions, able to recognize and acknowledge his own emotions, then that person has the ability to read other people's feelings. 

e. Fostering Relationships 
Ability in developing relationships is a skill that support the popularity, leadership and interpersonal success (Goleman, 2002: 59). Skills in communicating the basic skills in successful relationships. 
Individuals are hard to get what he wants and it is hard to understand the desires and wishes of others. 

The people are great at relationship skills will be successful in any field. People succeed in the association being able to communicate well with others. These guys are popular in the world and be a wonderful companion for his ability to communicate (Goleman, 2002: 59). Warm-hearted, kind, respectful and well liked others can be used as a positive clue how students are able to build relationships with others. How far the student's personality develops seen from many interpersonal relationships that do.

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